Arbutus Analytics platform

The Arbutus Analytics platform is a data analysis platform that gives you tremendous analysis power and options from data import, data analysis, sharing, export, scheduling of analyses and continuous monitoring. The Arbutus technology empowers you to use all of your data to gain better business insights at speeds you never thought possible.

Schematic overview of all components (software, ecosystem, professional services) that can be combined to deliver a successful data analysis project.
Arbutus Analytics Project Platform
Schematic overview of all components (software, ecosystem, professional services) that can be combined to deliver a successful data analysis project.
Arbutus Analytics Project Platform

The components of the platform

The Arbutus Analytics platform is made up of following components:

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics Analyzer

Arbutus Analyzer is the cornerstone and workshorse of the platform. It is the desktop interface through which the user interacts with the software and the data. […]

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics Data Connectors

The Arbutus Data Connectors provide a library of purpose-built ODBC drivers for popular applications and data sources. […]

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics Hub

The Arbutus Hub is the the central component of the platform that hosts data files, tables and procedures. It can also be used to schedule procedures (automations). […]

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics Results Manager

The Arbutus Results Manager is an optional component that can expand the features of the Arbutus Hub to facilitate exception management. [...]

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics WebConnect

Arbutus Web Connect is an optional component that provides browser based access to the entire analytics repository, acting as a self-serve analytics portal. […]

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics: Mainframe server

The Arbutus Mainframe Server has been developed to work smoothly with z/OS, OS/390, or MVS platforms. It enables direct and real-time access to the mainframe data. […]

Schematic representation of Arbutus Analytics Ecosystem & supporting resources
Arbutus Ecosystem and supporting resources

There is more to the Arbutus Analytics platform than just technology. Arbutus Software Inc., Sepia Solutions, and other regional Arbutus partners all contribute to this massive collection of materials, user groups, and other supporting resources. […]

    Let us be your guide !

    Data analysis is a journey, not a product. So, let us be your guide and help you in this exciting endeavour. Take your first step right now and get in touch with us so that we can discuss your organisation, your data environment and data sources, and especially your data analysis objectives!

    Let us help you on your way.